
Making 3D printing accessible while joining you in your journey...

Complet3D Team
Centered around our vision, focused on our mission

Founded in 2023, Complet3D has a vision to improve lives through 3D printing...

As we move towards the future, providing accessibility and creating awareness our foundation. Our team is strong in progressing keeping our actionable values in mind:


Fostering innovation by removing barriers to 3D printing and facilitating solutions. 

Instilling fairness and equity by bringing people together to grow interest in 3D printing. 

Enhancing community through fostering a shared vision and giving back.  

Providing accessible education by collaborating with educators to fund and create comprehensive training to grow workforce skills.  

Serving with kindness in our partnerships and ensuring a positive experience.  

"As an Engineer who has worked in several industries and capacities, I know the importance of ensuring that there is a smart, sustainable solution for a variety of applications.

Cindy Sparks, CEO:

"I formed this company after 3D printing became a hobby during the pandemic. I learned how additive can allow for quick turnaround, a multitude of materials for various use cases, and an alternative to having to wait long periods of time logistically. I knew that there was a need for manufacturing solutions and a way to offer to our community - just had to have a venue to piece it all together. I feel that by offering service and maintenance we are able to provide our customers with no significant down time which impacts the bottom line. At Complet3D we don't just want to install printers then check out of the process, we want to stay with them and grow their capabilities together."

Eric Sparks, COO:

"I am committed to closing the gaps in the additive ecosystem. What barriers are our partners encountering? Let's figure it out together! As a CMF (color, materials, and finishes) fanatic, I am constantly seeking ways we can improve offerings to hit the target of what our customer needs. I believe if we start talking about 3D printing as early as elementary school then provide accessible and comprehensive education in a post-secondary setting, we will be prepared for the growth of workforce in the additive field in years to come. I hope that your experience with Complet3D is positive, and if it isn't we value feedback!"

- April Spellman, Chief Design Officer


Customer Savings


Students with Access to STEM


Decrease in production time

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